Melissa Brizzie, L.Ac.
Licensed Acupuncturist & Certified Clinical EFT Tapping Practitioner
Are you looking for someone to help you navigate painful emotions, negative thoughts, or patterns that feel outdated to who you truly are? In a session with me, I will gently hold space for you as you share memories, thoughts, and physical sensations that are triggering. I will teach you new tools for overcoming these challenges, and help you make this self-care modality something you feel confident to use on your own.
Book a free 20 minute session to learn how EFT Tapping can help you transform beliefs and emotions for greater happiness and success!
Clinical EFT Tapping
EFT Tapping
Emotional Freedom Techniques is also called EFT Tapping, and is a stress-reduction technique which involves gentle tapping on acupuncture points.
Emotional Acupuncture
EFT Tapping is also described as Emotional Acupuncture where you tap on acupressure points, to help calm the brain and stay in the present moment.
Optimal Wellness
Every session is customizable based on your needs. We can tap on unresolved issues, change unwanted triggers, or transform self-limiting beliefs.